The secret of prosperity, of course, would be to live within your income, to spend less than what you earn, and not go into debt. That would be the greatest wisdom in a nutshell! If you have not got the cash, then don’t purchase items - go without them. Yet, there are certain laws of prosperity which stem from eternal spiritual truths. If you begin to feel and think lack (want), you experience lack. If you assert your abundance, then, as the shadow follows the person, abundance follows you. Desire is poverty. Desire is a feeling of inadequacy. When you begin to desire, you are a beggar already. A millionaire who is always wanting to make another million is really a beggar. A porter who is getting, say, four dollars a day and says, “That is quite enough for me” is greater than a millionaire. For he has not that nagging feeling of lack and the beggarly attitude of desire. To this end, contentment is the true secret of affirming your abundance. Whatever comes, feel full. Once you have con...