But I Am Easy
They said:
Stand up, take a stand
Sign up, join now
Coin a slogan, wave a flag
Fight, set right all wrongs
Oh the world’s doing so horribly
And, you…
You’re too easy
Speak your mind, make a choice
This isn’t okay, that is fine
Pink and blue aren’t the same
Take your pick, leave a print
On the sands of time
Oh God…
You’re too easy
Stand out, leave a mark
Make a name, blaze a trail
Stir up, work up froth
Don’t you want to bequeath
A legacy?
How will you get anywhere
If you’re too easy
He sighed and said:
I concede, I accept
I am bother-less, I am choiceless
I have been terribly spoilt
By the ease of being easy
What do I tell you
How do I begin to explain
Life’s been teaching me
A whole new game
The middle path is wisdom, not compromise
Flexibility is strength, not frailty
Acceptance takes more grit than kneejerk action
And, believe it or not
Resilience comes naturally
To those who truly understand
So I let life live me
And as I weather those storms
I never let myself forget
The bamboo that bows
Stands taller much after
The rigid oak is down
I am still, not stagnant
I am content, not complacent
I have finally experienced
The exquisite poise
(Thank you, Chemistry)
Of dynamic equilibrium
I have no flags to flaunt
No forts to defend
No isms to lie down for
No desire at all
To leave behind my bust
For pigeons or posterity
Thank God, he said,
I am finally easy.
you sound like you could have been my twin, or my reflection... perhaps we have met before. beautifully written, in fact it said what I couldn't have said better about myself. content but not complacent... still but not stagnant... many see it as apathy, lack of fire, dearth of passion... what to do, we are like this only... and who wants to explain? i have borrowed this piece and emailed it to some of my friends - thank you