Facebook is Maya

Maya is Divine Hypnosis. Facebook is virtual hypnosis.

Maya manifests lila, a play, an illusion of the phenomenal world. The play includes love and hate, mountains and streams, modernism and tradition, conflicts and attachment, success and failure, smiles and tears, pleasure and pain.

Check out life on Facebook: the happy people and those that have hit a patch, the pouting selfies, the pets and the grandkids, the arrivals and the passings, the virtual friendships, the passionate activism, the gorgeous foods, the breathtaking locations, the envy-evoking trips to fancy lands, the political slugfests, all the trolling and the trolling of the trollers, the hate and the caring, the Likes and Loves, the heartening news and the scams, the genuine sharing and the vain, and of course the ‘stories’ and the ‘reels’… You see? A whole new manifestation, entirely virtual.

Facebook’s game is ‘engagement’: the duration of time it can entice you to stay engaged in its virtual allurements. Same as Maya. In fact, you may spend years of hectic living and then wake up one day to see how Maya kept you ‘engaged’.

Maya’s game is ‘forgetting’. Distracting you so much with its sleight of hand, its conjuring and its manifold lures that you forget all about reality.

And the ultimate irony? Take this very piece. I have spent five minutes writing this and you have been engaged for five minutes reading this note purporting to show a mirror to the very delusion it is exposing!


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